Saturday, March 15, 2014

And The Winner Is!!!!

First, my sincerest apologies for taking so long to announce the winner of our latest contest, Best Markings.  I am so terribly sorry.  But, quite frankly, this turned out to be a fiasco!  After the winner of our Best Whiskers contest, Scooter, was so quickly adopted, the announcement of a new contest really started a crazy riot of cats at StreetCats!  Had I any idea what the reaction would be, I would never have begun this venture!  Thankfully, from now on it will be someone else's problem because I will be adopted this week!  Yep, sure will!

Okay, here's how it went.  I announce the contest for Best Markings and my first contestant, who literally knocked all the other cats over to get to the front of the long contestant line, was Shamika!  And here is a picture of this first contestant.

Does anyone besides me see the problem here?!  The contest is Best Markings!  So I got out the dictionary and read to the cats.  Markings = the characteristic pattern of coloration of a plant or an animal.  And she says, "yeah?  What's the problem?"  "Shamika, you are very pretty, but you have no markings!"  Oh my gosh, talk about a hissy fit!  I can't even begin to describe it!!!

Let me demonstrate.  This is the latest picture of me, Vanna.  Now you will notice that I have mostly white fur.  But the black fur . . . well, that's markings.  See??

Now do you understand, Shamika??  Markings!  By the way, there are lots of pictures of me because I love having my picture taken.

Now we have several cats at StreetCats right now with beautiful markings.  The last Feline Friday which was posted was of Kane and Albie and boy do they have pretty markings.  If you adopters out there are looking for great markings, Street Cats is definitely the place to come!  I will greet you at the door and show you, once again, about markings!

Okay, drumroll here, please, because it is time to announce the winner of the StreetCats contest for cat with best markings.  And our winner is . . . PARKER!  And here are a couple of pictures of Parker so that you can see just how unique his markings are.  He is so pretty!!!  (And he's also a little camera shy.  He didn't actually enter himself.  I entered for him.)

Now this next picture was taken when Parker was sleeping . . . like I said, camera shy!  You can see even more of his markings in this picture!  I had to take this picture myself because he doesn't like Vickie's big camera . . . so it's not so good!

So congratulations to Parker who will be adopted this week.  Yeah!  And our next contest will be . . . Best Shiny Black Fur!  Gee, I wonder who the winner of that contest will be!  Perhaps the cat that is still hissing about markings!!!

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