Like all young cats she loves to play with anything that she can chase, pounce on, or grab between her cute little paws. She is a petit cat, but probably not quite full grown.
Even at her young age she has already had a litter of kittens. She was rescued by one our volunteers and the kittens have all found new homes.
Soapbox time........I can’t emphasize enough the importance of spaying and neutering our cats. Did you know that in 7 years one female cat and her offspring can produce ...hold onto your hats.....370,000 kittens! They all need loving homes but we know that most are not lucky enough to get one. We at SteetCats want to be part of the solution not the problem. For that reason all of the cats that come into our system are immediately spayed or neutered.
If you would like to read more about the benefits of spaying and neutering your pet please read this family friendly article which also includes a FAQ section.
Copy the following link and enter it into your browser.
Off soapbox.
Glori has been spayed. She has also had all of the tests, treatments, and vaccinations necessary to ensure that you are adopting a healthy cat. In addition to all of the veterinarian support that she has had, she has also been micro-chipped! When she is adopted the new owners contact information will be entered onto it and the kitty then registered to the HomeAgain pet identifier program. Anywhere in the country your cat can have the chip scanned and then returned to you. StreetCats pays for the first year’s registration.
Just a side note here: Ladies have you ever wondered why a lot of us wear eyeliner? Check out Glori's has eyeliner and one does not. Which one stands out the most? The one with eyeliner of course!
Glori is such a cutie! I know she's going to find a fantastic forever home